How to Organize eBay Inventory

So you have a nice steady flow of sales (because you read about how to make money reselling here). Now you have all these items. About this time, when an item sells, are you saying, “Where did I put this blue striped shirt??” And you’re stressing out. “Did it already sell? Did I lose it? Did I give it to Goodwill?” Never again will you be stressing out when an item sells.

Are there things EVERYWHERE? In closets, in drawers here and there, in this bin and that one over there. Only eBay sellers understand how crazy your eBay room can look. To be a successful eBay seller, you need to learn how to organize and manage your inventory. And you will be SO organized after reading this!

  • How to keep track and store your inventory
  • Why spreadsheets work
  • How to make a system that works
  • The importance of staying organized

Keep Track of Each Item

Right when you buy an item to resell, you need to put it on your spreadsheet. I add a description of the item, the size, and how much I bought it for. When you are selling things for other people, start them their own spreadsheet. (Copy yours then delete the items) Add all their items when you get them, then when you list the item add how much you listed it for.

Why Spreadsheets Work

Spreadsheets work because you know how many items you should have listed, you can keep track of how much you have invested in each item, and this is the easiest way to be organized if you are selling things for other people. With Google Sheets, you can send a PDF copy to anyone. So on the first of each month, I send everyone their copy with what they sold and how much money they received for the month.

Have a System

Having a good system is key to staying organized. One way you can have a system is by getting a couple laundry baskets or bins and label them. Your labels could be “Add to Spreadsheet” “Need to List” “Listed- Put Away“. Each week have a goal of emptying your need to list basket. This will keep you from getting too many items you need to list but don’t really want to. It will also keep you motivated to keep searching for more inventory. My favorite place to find items are garage sales and thrift stores. Read more about that here. Having a system is important because it’s easy to find a bunch of stuff and toss in a corner for months. Or get home and list the exciting stuff and leave the not-so-fun items in the sack. For months.

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Download an Excel App

I really like using Google Sheets because you can access it from anywhere. I downloaded the app on my iPad. You can use notes, but I found it’s easier to use a spreadsheet. I definitely recommend you always having a digital copy of your inventory. I hand write all my sales each month in a notepad then I transfer the information to my spreadsheets. This is an unnecessary step, but I like to do it this way because I can do the math quicker when it’s on paper.

How to Store Your Inventory

I keep my inventory in bins (BUY THEM ON AMAZON HERE). I have it organized by item and people. So all the coats are in the bin labeled “Coats”. I sell things for other people, so each person gets their own bin. (So if they have a coat for sale, it would be in the bin labeled with their name not the coat bin.) Other eBay sellers organize their inventory by item number or by alphabetical order. (Also, if you decide to go by item number: the item number changes each time you relist the item.) It’s easier for me to go by item, that way when I see a short sleeve shirt sells, I look in the short sleeve shirt bin.

Stay Organized

Don’t keep piles of clothes everywhere. It’s very important to keep your items organized. When I find new things to list but I’m too busy (or lazy) to add them to my spreadsheet, I toss them into the laundry basket labeled “Add to Spreadsheet”. Then I add it on a day I work. When you stay organized and you manage your inventory, you will be less stressed and find more joy in selling. You will sell more because you will want to list more, which means more money. (Listing = Selling)

Final Encouragement

Don’t invest too much on each item, because you make money at the buy. List items just a little more than what you would pay. Keep your inventory organized as you list. Ship items that sell every night. One thing to remember: if you don’t list, you don’t last. The more you list on eBay = the more you sell = the more you make. So don’t give up! Keep listing because eBay works.

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