7 Ways to Increase your eBay Sales
Are you having no success with eBay? Do you have hundreds of items listed, but nothing is selling? Do you put all this effort toward eBay and you’re not making a dime? These seven things will up your sales and make your wallet happy.
#1 Treat eBay Like a True Business
Set Hours | Set work days and work hours. When you have a schedule, you will thrive. Buy a planner (this one is my favorite) and use it. Start early in the morning listing. If you only have 30 minutes before you have to go somewhere, spend that time listing. Read more about how to make a work from home routine here.
Stay Organized | Staying organized is how you succeed. When you sell on eBay, your inventory can get crazy. Have labeled laundry baskets or bins. “Add to Spreadsheet”, “Need to List”, “Listed- Put Away”. Always keep a spreadsheet of all your inventory. Learn more about how to organize your inventory here.
#2 List Everyday
Listing everyday is the key. If you don’t list, you don’t last. When you list new items, your other items get boosted. So the ultimate way to sell more is to list more. One way I get inspired to list when I’m tired: I fill a basket with items I need to list, take all the pictures, then I sit on my comfy couch or I go outside to list them. This really helps me list more when I’m tired. It takes me about 10 minutes to list an item from start to finish. That’s having a description template (read about how to make an eBay description that sells here.) and doing eBay for years. I can list faster, but I realized that quality listings sell better. So now I add the measurements, item details, and fabric.
#3 Delivery
Handling Time | In every listing you have there is a handling time option. I recommend doing one-day handling time on all your listings. Of course, choose whatever fits your schedule best. With one-day handling, you have 24 hours from the time it sold to ship it. When you choose same-day or one-day, then you get the benefits of guaranteed delivery and fast and free.

Guaranteed Delivery | When you prove to eBay that you can ship out your items every day, you will get “Guaranteed Delivery”. This is when eBay trusts that you will ship it out in time. They are telling the buyer that it’s guaranteed to get there in a certain amount of time. The way to get guaranteed delivery on your listings is to offer same-day or one-day and ship out everyday.

Fast & Free | When you offer one-day handling time and free shipping on your listing, it shows “FAST AND FREE” in green letters on your listing before buyers click on it. This prompts buyers to click on yours rather than the next because most likely they need it fast and who doesn’t like free shipping? When you do free shipping, just make sure you add the shipping cost into the price of the item. For example, if an item is $14.99 with $5 shipping, change it to $19.99 with free shipping.

#4 Shipping
Ship Packages Everyday | Every night before you go to bed, ship all your items. You can do it before you go to sleep like me, or you can have a time to ship all your items every night. For example, your cut off time to ship out could be 6 PM, and everything that sells after that gets shipped out the next day.
Encourage Returning Customers | Buy cute packaging envelopes and business cards that make buyers want to come back. Always, always send out a card with every purchase. I buy my cards on Vistaprint. (Use this link for $20 off $40!!) Just a simple “Thanks for your purchase!” goes a long way. Read more about how to ship items, what packages to buy, where you can get free boxes, and how much it will cost to ship in this post here.

#5 Sales
Use the sales tool if you own a store. (If you are spending more than $20 in insertion fees, then you absolutely need to buy a store. Read the benefits of buying an eBay store here.) Always have a sale going, even if it’s 5% off. I have a “Buy two or more items get $5 off” sale going most months. This way, people who are going to buy one of my name brand items will look at my other items to save $5. Now eBay has a new way of sorting listings: you can now sort it by sales. So if you have a sale on your items, they get put under that category.

#6 Pictures
If you are getting low or no views and watchers on your items it’s not because of the price. It’s most likely because you need better pictures. The most important rule to eBay pictures is make sure there’s nothing in the background. You need to buy a plain background and a mannequin. What really changed my pictures was upgrading my tablet. I was using an iPad 4 with no flash. Buying a new iPad Pro with flash was the best eBay investment. I definitely think flash is important for picture taking. Read more picture taking tips here. If you aren’t wanting to invest any money in eBay, then you have to make the pictures cute. What kind of pictures does your favorite store use to sell their clothes online? What kind of pictures are trending on your social media? Those are the pictures that people will click on.
#7 Title
Like pictures, a good title goes a long way. By writing “Black Tennis Shoes” you’re going to get 2 views. Instead, write “Nike Black & White Roshe Runs Tennis Running Shoes Women’s Size 7”. I start with the brand, then color, print, item, size. Use all those 80 characters eBay allows. Buyers find your listing by your title. So write a good one because your sale depends on it.
Final Encouragement
Don’t invest too much on each item, because you make money at the buy. List items just a little more than what you would even pay. Keep your inventory organized as you list. Ship items that sell every night. Keep your shipping cost low, this is how you make more. Retake your pictures if your items are selling. One thing to remember: if you don’t list, you don’t last. The more you list on eBay = the more you sell = the more you make. So don’t give up! Keep listing because eBay works.
I was not sponsored or gifted any of these products. Some of the links are affiliated, which means that by purchasing I make a small amount, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting me!