How to Start Selling on eBay

Do you want to work from home, make your own hours, start a business at low/ no overhead, or get rid of stuff and make money? Then eBay is right for you. Here are a couple tips from signing up to shipping your first item that sells.

Sign up

The very first step to sell online is to open an eBay and PayPal account. Both eBay and PayPal accounts are both free to open. PayPal charges 2.9% + $0.30 per sale. You no longer need PayPal to sell on eBay, you can use your own bank account. I like using PayPal because it’s so easy and safe. Then as you get paid or at the end of the month, just transfer the funds to your bank account. 


Look around your house and in your closet for items to sell. I wouldn’t recommend buying anything to sell just yet. Check out my post about how to take good pictures on eBay. If you don’t have a mannequin, do a cute flat lay with a plant like this new eBay seller. I recommend downloading the eBay app on your phone or tablet and taking pictures with it. It’s a lot easier.

New seller limit

When you sign up for eBay, you have a 10 item limit to list. So list those ten items at a very good buy it now price or a $0.99 7-10 day auction (just make sure you add that the buyer pays for shipping). The only way to up your limit is to sell those ten items and buy a lot. Then call eBay (customer support is awesome) and they’ll up it for you. (Sometimes the limits get lifted automatically)


The next step is to buy! On eBay, you have a feedback score. So when you buy something, the seller will leave you feedback and when you receive the item, you leave them feedback. Most of the time, people don’t want to buy from sellers who have a 0 or low feedback rating. So when you are new at eBay the more you buy, the more feedback you get and you learn how eBay works a little more.


This is where you add some information about the item. Make sure your description has measurements, brand, size, the condition (is there any wear? Plainly state the flaws). Here you can also add that you ship out the next day (buyers like sellers that ship fast). Non-smoking home? Do you accept returns?

To learn more about writing a description, check out my post: How to Write a Description on eBay


This is the part that scares a lot of people. With these tips, you will be an eBay shipping pro on your first item that sells. You can get free shipping supplies at any post office or on If you will be shipping small items under one pound, I would suggest buying some mailing envelopes so you can ship them first class. For a thin women’s tank top weighing 4 ounces with your eBay discount would cost $3.32. But if you shipped it priority mail (free envelopes at the post office) it would cost at least $7.50. So it is an excellent investment. 

This post was the simplified version of the long post. For more detailed information about signing up for eBay, check out this post: How To Start Selling on eBay in 12 Easy Steps

eBay encouragement

Don’t give up. Sometimes you will get upset because an angry buyer wants to return an item, or you may not make as much as you wanted on an item that sold. The more you sell, the more you figure out what works for you. 

Just a few eBay tips:

  • Don’t invest too much on each item, because you make money at the buy.
  • List items just a little more than what they have been selling for. Then don’t be afraid to put a sale on them in a month.
  • Keep your inventory organized as you list. This is key to selling on eBay. Check it out: How to Organize your eBay Inventory
  • Ship items that sell during the day every night. Don’t put it off until the morning. Then set up a pick up on so you don’t have to leave your house. Check it out: How to Ship Items on eBay
  • Keep your shipping cost low, this is how you make more.
  • Retake your pictures and change up your title if your items are not selling. Check it out: How to Take Good Pictures

One thing to remember: if you don’t list, you don’t last. The more you list on eBay = the more you sell = the more you make. So don’t give up! Keep listing because eBay works.

Soon you will have a true business selling on eBay!

What is the most profit you have made so far?

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